I'm a year-round ice cream eater. I don't care how cold it is outside or how cold I complain that I am, if I want ice cream, I'm going to eat ice cream. Additionally, ice cream is generally the cure for what ails you in my family. Sore throat? Cough medicine, plenty of fluids, and ice cream. Headache? Two ibuprofen and ice cream, with sprinkles. When my dad broke his leg and my mom took a photo of him in his cast to send to us, he was conspicuously eating something out of a bowl. Immediately my then-three-year-old niece said it must be ice cream (it totally was). Because ice cream has healing powers. Apparently. I bought some ice cream, deciding vanilla would be a good choice because a) Dave loves vanilla; and b) I could turn it into any flavor milkshake I wanted. So when I offered Dave a milkshake after spying some leftover pumpkin in the fridge, I had an ulterior motive. Of course Dave accepted the offer and when I asked if he wanted a special flavor, he's ears perked. He surprised me at wanting to try a pumpkin pie flavored milkshake, but we were both glad he did. This milkshake tastes eerily similar to it's pie counterpart, tasting exactly like the creamy pie goodness, with a dash of graham cracker crust and a perfect dollop of whipped cream.
My problem was that while I suggested such a milkshake, I didn't actually know how to make it. So I turned to the ever-helpful interwebs and enter this amazing recipe from We Are Not Martha. In a word, it's amazing. And holy easy, Batman. Not that milkshakes are inherently hard, but the idea of getting this much flavor from such few ingredients--yes and please. Rather than top our milkshakes with caramel topping, I opted for a dollop of whipped cream dusted with extra cinnamon and graham cracker crumbs. I'm a huge fan of whipped cream on my pumpkin pie--I advocate a strong 2:1 pie to whipped cream ratio. Looking for a yummy, pumpkin pie dessert without all the fuss necessary to make the actual pie? Look no further. Mix, pour, dollop and enjoy. Who knows, it might even heal what ails you.
Pumpkin Pie Milkshake
1 1/2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
1 cup milk
2 teaspoons cinnamon, plus more for dusting
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
4 graham cracker sheets
whipped cream for garnish (about 1/2 cup)
Place ice cream and pumpkin puree in a blender. Add milk, cinnamon, nutmeg and 3 of the graham cracker sheets, broken in half.
Blend until smooth.
Crush remaining graham cracker sheet to fine crumbs or large chunks for garnish (personal preference; I chose crumbs). Divided blended milkshake into two glasses. Top with a generous dollop of whipped cream, then sprinkle with cinnamon and graham cracker crumbs to taste.
Makes 2 milkshakes.
Happy Baking,
The Cookie Princes
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